Everyone wants a full, head of nice and thick hair. But how about hair on the rest of the body? Not so much. If you have unwanted hair on places other than your scalp, we know you want to get rid of it and fast. There are many different hair removal methods to choose from, but which one is right for you? It depends on your budget, your patience, and your tolerance for the specific hair removal method. Some hair removal remedies are long term, while others can cover large areas, or come with unpleasant side effects. In this article, we’ll include the different types of hair removal methods so you can get rid of that unwanted hair.
1. Shaving
Shaving is probably the most common, and the cheapest methods for removing hair. It’s only useful and practical for shaving underarms, bikini area, legs, or face. Shaving will only get rid of hair that’s above the surface of the skin, and it can’t remove or destroy the hair follicles.
There are tons of different shaving products on the market too, including shave gel, razors, and aftercare products. Although shaving is quick and cheap, the hair grows back quickly, depending on your hair type and your genetics, age, and health levels, you could find yourself shaving your legs, underarms, or bikini area every single day. When you do the math, you’re spending years of your life with a razor in hand removing stubborn and unsightly hair.
Shaving can also have side effects, including painful ingrown hairs, and it can severely dry out your skin and give you razor burn. Applying shave gel and lotions after shaving can help, but this is far from a permanent or long term method for removing hair.
2. Depilatory Creams
A depilatory cream is a hair removal cream. There are chemicals in the cream that break down the hair shaft, and once the cream does its magic, you can wipe or rinse off the hair. Depilatory creams aren’t practical for removing hair from large areas, like the legs or the back. But they can be effective for the bikini line, facial hair, or upper lip hair. They’re also relatively inexpensive.
The downsides to using depilatory creams are that they can sometimes smell strong and unpleasant, and they aren’t ideal for people with sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin, you’ll probably want to steer clear of hair removal cream. The chemicals can cause a burning or itchy sensation, redness, or hives in people with an allergic response to the solution. People who aren’t ordinarily bothered by skin creams and other chemicals can also have an adverse reaction to depilatories if they leave the cream on for too long. Typically, depilatory creams only need to sit for five minutes before wiping or rinsing them off. Since the hair is not destroyed at the follicle, the hair will grow back within a day or two after using a hair removal cream, so it’s hardly a long-term solution.
3. Waxing
Warm, melted wax is placed on the skin with a paper-like strip. The warm wax dilates the hair follicles and sticks to the hair shaft. Then the strip is pulled off in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Waxing will give you a hair free look for up to four weeks. However, it’s painful, and if the practitioner does not use a new applicator stick for applying each strip of wax, there is a risk of infection. Ingrown hairs are also common on the bikini line, but exfoliating the skin before applying the wax can prevent this from happening.
Waxing is useful for small areas such as the bikini line, upper lip, and eyebrows. People who use Retin A should not wax since Retin A will thin the skin and applying a wax strip can cause skin damage. After waxing, you’ll need to let the hair grow back at least a quarter of an inch before you can reapply the wax and remove the hair.
4. Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is ideal for long term hair removal for large areas. You can use laser hair removal techniques on leg hair, facial hair, back and chest hair, underarm hair, and pubic hair. High-tech laser hair removal damages the hair at the root, preventing it from growing back. Even though it is often touted as “permanent,” some stubborn hair can grow back, but it will be very fine and light.
Although laser hair removal is highly effective for getting rid of unwanted hair, you will need to do several treatments to see a difference in hair growth. Because of the time commitment involved in laser hair removal, it is often best for smaller areas, such as the upper lip, and the bikini line.
Inexperienced practitioners can burn the skin and cause skin damage, or cause discolouration of the skin. Laser hair removal is best by a qualified dermatologist or laser hair removal specialist with experience in hair removal techniques.
Come To Mouda Laser & Skin Clinic For Professional Laser Hair Removal Today!
Are you ready to get rid of unwanted hair for good? Contact Mouda Laser and Skin Clinic today to ask about our hair removal methods. Our experienced hair removal specialists are standing by to answer any questions you have about laser hair removal. We offer both female laser hair removal and male laser hair removal.